Geotechnical investigation and testing on the M104 Novska–Tovarnik–DG railway line, section Sibinj–Slavonski Brod
The M104 railway is an integral part of the main line that connected the cities of Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belgrade during the Yugoslavia era.
For the purposes of the intensified maintenance of this section, we conducted geotechnical investigation and testing that consisted of:
- geological and geotechnical prospecting of the wider area;
- exploratory drilling;
- excavation of probing pits;
- engineering and geological mapping of the terrain, determination of drilling cores and probing pits;
- dynamic penetrometer (DCP) tests;
- dynamic plate tests;
- laboratory tests;
- geophysical tests (georadar); and
- data processing of previous investigation data.
In order to determine the geotechnical characteristics of the location and the foundation soil, 8 exploratory boreholes in the foot of the railway embankment were drilled at depths of 6.0 m. Along the entire section, probing pits were excavated on both tracks of the railway for the purpose of determining the characteristics of the upper structure of the railway. A total of 36 probing pits and 72 dynamic plate tests were conducted along the route. In the immediate vicinity of the probing pits, a total of 36 tests with a dynamic penetrometer (DCP) were conducted along the route. Geophysical georadar testing was conducted along the entire length of both tracks in a total length of 17,212.0 m.