2nd Open Days of Geotechnics – Secondary School of Civil Engineering in Rijeka, May 2023
Investing in knowledge, education and young people is a long-term process that gives the best results when it is carried out regularly and systematically. As a society, we must recognize the importance of investing in education to build a resilient and sustainable future.
This was exactly our motivation to organize the 2nd Open Days of Geotechnics in cooperation with the company Rijekaprojekt – geotehničko istraživanje d.o.o. and the Secondary School of Civil Engineering in Rijeka this year.
Young people play a vital role in the future of society, so investing in their education and helping them prepare for their professional lives is of key importance. It is essential to provide them with the opportunities for high-quality education and professional training to help them acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for them to build successful careers. This kind of investing includes creating opportunities for education, employment, internship programs, and mentoring, but also providing support for the launch of their own businesses and initiatives. These activities provide young people with the chance to learn how to navigate the business world successfully, how to create an innovative product or service, and how to manage their own company.
Geotechnics plays a key role in construction and urban planning. Therefore, it is important that secondary school students are introduced to this field and given basic knowledge that will be useful in their future careers.
Projects like the Open Days, which allow students to familiarize themselves with the practical application of geotechnics, can be key in motivating them to invest in knowledge and create their own careers.
This year, we tried to do an even better job at presenting the basics of geotechnics and demonstrating how geotechnical and engineering geological investigation and testing are carried out in practice.

At six different demonstration points, our engineers presented some of the methods and approaches we use every day as part of geotechnical investigation and testing, such as geology, geophysics, exploratory drilling, laboratory tests, etc., and the graduates of the Secondary School of Civil Engineering in Rijeka were able to familiarize themselves with all of them.

The students were very interested in the demonstrations and asked a lot of questions to learn more about geological and geotechnical investigations. Particularly, they were very interested in the exploratory drilling machine, which was presented as one of the main tools in the geotechnical testing process. They learned how geotechnical analyses can influence the choice of location for the construction of buildings, the construction method, as well as the safety and durability of buildings.

The Secondary School of Civil Engineering in Rijeka recognized the value of this project and, for another year in a row, invited us and the students to participate in the presentation and showcase and explore some geotechnical testing methods.
We believe that we have sparked an interest in geotechnics for at least a few students who will now consider building their careers in this field, because the demand for experts in geotechnics is constantly growing, which was another reason for this event.
Read more: Open Days of Geotechnics – Secondary School of Civil Engineering School in Rijeka, May 2022