Rockfall protection – Railway corridor VIII: Kumanovo – Beljakovce, Macedonia
The railway corridor East-West, otherwise known as Corridor VIII, connects Albania, Macedonia, and Bulgaria. On the section of km 8 + 786 to km 8 + 980, it is planned to construct a tunnel by “cut and cover” method. Railway line section Kumanovo-Beljakovce is designed in excavated area. There is a possibility of rock falls because of the unstable rock mass at the site.
Railroad protection was achieved with the installation of wire mesh reinforced with steel ropes and rock bolts length 4,5, 6,0 and 9,0 m.
Kumanovo, Macedonia
2015. - 2016.
Our services:
Temporary rock slope protection design/ Detailed design
«Macedonian railways – Skopje»