Slope and rockfall protection design – the ZVIR complex
The concerned slope location at the Zvir Complex sits in the northwestern part of the right bank of the Rječina riverbed, behind a building complex along the access road to the Zvir Complex.
Over time rockfall of smaller rock blocks was observed at the location, endangering the users of the access road to the complex. The execution of works began in March 2021 and was completed in May 2021.
For the slope and rockfall protection we have carried out engineering geological and geotechnical investigation and testing and made the slope and rockfall protection detailed design. In addition, we have carried out engineering geological mapping, geological prospecting of the wider area, geotechnical prospecting of the location and data processing of the previous investigation.
The supervision of protection works we performed included the analysis and verification of the situation in the field, as well as adjustments of the design.
In the scope of slope and rockfall protection, works were planned to increase slope stability and rockfall protection. Slope protection included the installation of the following protection measures: protection of unstable blocks by installing anchors, rod anchors, protective mesh and installation of rockfall protection barriers.
In order to prevent the collapse of rockfalls, slope protection was performed by installing a protective galvanized double-twisted hexagonal wire mesh Type 8×10. On a part of the slope, an unstable rock block was anchored by installing rod anchors (minimum diameter Φ = 32.0 mm) made of steel B 500B, length L = 3.0 and 6.0 m. Protection against possible future rockfall also included the construction of B-ZVIR-1 and B-ZVIR-2 rockfall protection barriers.