Kosavin Landslide Remediation Design
In the village of Kosavin of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, a landslide has occurred along the 5062 county road, approximately 37.0 meters wide and 25.0 meters long, on the southern roadside. The landslide is characterized by a frontal crack approximately 3.0 m high. In some parts, the landslide has the properties of a mud flow, and with its failure surface, it has engulfed and damaged the existing road culvert.
For the landslide remediation design, we carried out engineering, geological and geotechnical investigation and testing. These works consisted of prospecting a wider area, mapping the terrain and exploratory drilling. In addition to the above, further investigation was carried out, which included determination of drill cores, standard penetration tests (SPT) and laboratory tests.
As part of the landslide remediation, works are planned as part of increasing the global stability of the slope and the reconstruction of the road and the storm drainage system.
Landslide remediation is to be provided by the construction of a pile wall. The pile wall is to be made of reinforced concrete drilled piles with dimensions D = 620.0 mm / 540.0 mm, L = 6.0 m at a horizontal distance of 1.25 m. A retaining wall with a height of 2.50 m is to be installed on top of the piles, and its foundation is to act as the capping beam of the pilot wall. For the purpose of additional pile wall protection, it is planned to install rod anchors with a diameter of 32.0 mm and a length of 10.0 m at a horizontal distance of 2.50 m.
To assess the effectiveness of the designed interventions, a systematic observation plan is to be implemented during the execution of the construction works and subsequently during the exploitation phase.